If you love training as much as we do, you probably have some routines or rituals around the experience. Going for a run or throwing weights around in the gym is much more than the moment you start moving until the moment you stop - everything before and after. It's the food you eat, supplements you mix up, music you listen to, videos you watch, and mindset you intentionally dial in as you prepare to work. The work is only as good as the environment you create with the routines you adhere to. Incorporating a well-planned pre-workout routine, like Nick Bare's, is crucial for maximizing the effectiveness of your workouts.
Nick Bare's Pre Workout Routine.

Nick follows a routine before every run. Many parts are physical, but many are mental, too. He also has a routine before my strength training sessions, which we want to share here.
Every routine that's created and followed is built around forward-thinking and backward-planning. This is the foundation of success. It allows you to allocate the necessary time required for specific tasks. Lay out your schedule, list your priorities, and set aside time for each so that you can maximize your day and time.
If you are not following a strict training program, this is an excellent opportunity to write down your workout for the day. Many athletes follow a program that promotes autoregulation, encouraging them to modify their workouts based on recovery, feeling, and performance readiness.
At this point, you should be adequately fueled from the meal you had two hours prior, and the pre-workout supplement stack should be doing its job. You will have more energy from the caffeine, tunnel vision focus from the nootropics, and blood should feel like it's pumping heavier throughout your body due to the increased nitric oxide and blood flow.You're fueled, focused, and warmed up. It's now time to execute the plan.